Rep. Andy Barr
United States of America

During a January 11, 2018 meeting with Members of Congress on American immigration policy, President Trump made vulgar and racist comments regarding Haiti and African countries. Though he later denied the statements, Republican and Democratic Senators attending the meeting confirmed the comments as those made by Trump.

Since the January 11 meeting, Republican and Democratic Members of Congress have spoken out against the President’s vulgar statements, while Rep. Andy Barr, with thousands African-American, Hispanic, and other people of color in his district, has remained silent. Still proclaiming on his website to “represent all the people of Kentucky’s Sixth District,” Barr’s silence on Trump’s racist comments demonstrate otherwise. American immigration policy should not be guided in any way, shape or form, by racism.

We, the undersigned, call on Rep. Andy Barr to issue a public statement condemning the President's statements regarding Haiti and African nations and to affirm that racism has no place in American immigration policy.

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The Rep. Andy Barr: Speak Against Trump's Racist Statements on Haiti & African Nations petition to Rep. Andy Barr was written by Karen Armstrong-Cummings and is in the category Government at GoPetition.