Renaming the "Esker Point Waterfront Park" the "Stephen Matzdorff Memorial Park at Esker Point".
- Target:
- Town of Groton Parks and Recreation Commission
- Region:
- United States of America
Stephen Matzdorff was employed by the Town of Groton as an Inspector in the Public Works Department for over 38 years, before retiring in 2015. Together with his wife Margaret, they raised their family in Groton, CT. Sadly, Steve passed away suddenly in 2017. During his long and distinguished career, Steve worked tirelessly on many different projects, one of which was the Esker Point Waterfront Park. Additionally, Steve came up with the idea of creating a small boat launch to be built so the public could access Palmer Cove. His knowledge, dedication and attention to detail made him an invaluable Town employee!
To honor Stephen Matzdorff’s memory and long-standing career with the Town of Groton, we are proposing to rename the Esker Point Waterfront Park the “Stephen Matzdorff Memorial Park at Esker Point”.
The Town of Groton has many parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities that are not defined by names. The Town of Groton Parks and Recreation Commission has a policy and procedure in place for any requests submitted for any naming or renaming of these facilities. This petition is the first step to initiate a request that the Town of Groton Parks and Recreation Commission consider renaming the “Esker Point Waterfront Park” the “Stephen Matzdorff Memorial Park at Esker Point”.
We hope you will join us in signing this petition to honor Stephen Matzdorff and the legacy he left behind.
We the undersigned, request that the Town of Groton Parks and Recreation Commission rename the "Esker Point Waterfront Park" the “Stephen Matzdorff Memorial Park at Esker Point”.
We appreciate your taking the time to sign our petition!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Renaming the "Esker Point Waterfront Park" the "Stephen Matzdorff Memorial Park at Esker Point". petition to Town of Groton Parks and Recreation Commission was written by Robin Silsby and is in the category Parks and Recreation at GoPetition.