- Target:
- Ministry of Local Government Republic of Kenya
- Region:
- Kenya
- Website:
- kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com
Kenya is celebrating her 50 Years of Independence next year on the 1st June 2013, and Nairobi being the Capital City of Kenya has grown from bad to worse.
Nairobi used to be the Green City in the Sun, but now, waste and garbage is competing with all available space.
It is the sole responsibility of the Director of Environment at the City Council of Nairobi to ensure that waste is managed in a manner that adds value as it makes our neighbourhoods clean.
But what is obtaining at the Council right now is waste shifting, not waste management. Again, it is sad that the Department has chosen to contract 20 Garbage Collection Trucks at Kshs 40m per Month at a time that waste is choking every corner of Nairobi.
We at The Clean Kenya Campaign firmly believe that this is not prudent management of Public Funds. Kshs 40m per month can avail 4 Garbage Trucks for the Council every Month and within 10 months, the Council shall have bought enough Trucks to address and mitigate on the waste collection process in all the 8 Divisions in Nairobi.
We have provided pictorial evidence of the kind of neglect that Nairobi suffers at our Blogspot; http://kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com for anyone who is doubting. It is such a compelling evidence of dereliction of duty that we as The Clean Kenya Campaign cannot entertain.
After looking at the photographic evidence we have enclosed, we are of the view that the Director of Environment at the City Council of Nairobi is not competent enough to remain the Director in the said office.
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The Remove the Director of Environment at CCN from office petition to Ministry of Local Government Republic of Kenya was written by The Clean Kenya Campaign and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.