United States of America

Bastion is still way too OP and it's difficult to counter him. He mows down everything in his path with his turret and it ruins the fun for the opposing team. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks Bastion ruins the game... He kills his opponents like they're nothing. It's not fair for the opposing team. Especially if ults are used with him. It's no fun and ruins the game when it's hard to find a good hero to go against him. Especially, if one doesn't know how to play a hero who can counter him.

I, as an Overwatch gamer, would like bastion reworked or removed due to his OP ability in turret form.

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The Remove or rework Bastion petition to Blizzard was written by Crystal Dopp and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Overwatch overwatch2 Bastion