- Target:
- Gaia Online
- Region:
- United States of America
When Gaia Online began a few years ago, they began their monthly collectibles as a form of donations for the site. Over the years, this concept expanded into Gaia Cash, which is okay with items like the Evolving Items and a few others.
However, now Gaia's newest feature, the aquarium, reuires Gaia cash regularly if you wish to keep it going and, quite frankly, it's just not worth it when the fish are about to die. And who's to say that zOMG! won't have premium content? Let's stop them before they get the chance.
All those signing here feel that Gaia Cash requirements should be shifted to set gold amounts in Phin Phang, the aquarium shop.
Under the negotiation of the powers that be, given that, despite daily chance, the chances of one getting a new fish or item are highly unlikely and current marketplace prices are much too steep for casual gaians, especially those who are younger and cannot afford Gaia Cash.
All other areas that require Gaia Cash will not require any manner of change such as this nor will prices for items in the Gaia Cash Shop or Monthly Collectibles be affected in any way, shape, or form.
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The Remove Gaia Cash Requirements for Aquarium petition to Gaia Online was written by Zack Smith and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.