#Civil Rights

Shawn's petition is a step towards fascism.

He calls on 'YOU' to take responsibility for the action of others.

Censorship moves society away from enlightenment.

Shawn seeks to dictate to us what we should or shouldn't see.

I remind you that we are all thinking beings and that we are able to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong.

Shall we dumb down the Internet to the lowest common denominator?

That slipper slope leads us away from all of the freedoms that we have won.

This is a call to action.


It has come to my attention that there is one other active petition calling for a ban on rotten.com. In the interest of keeping things simple I have edited the scope of this petition to include the removal of all petitions calling for a ban on rotten.com.

The petitions this petition is asking to have removed are these:

1- http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/abolish-rotten-com.html

2- http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/ban-www-rotten-com.html

We the undersigned call on Gopetition.com to remove ALL petitions seeking to have rotten.com Banned from the Internet.

We find this attempt to censor our lives not to be in our or anyone's best interests.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The Remove All Petitions Asking to Abolish rotten.com petition to Gopetition was written by Theodread and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags
