- Target:
- Intel Corporation
- Region:
- Website:
- forums.boxee.tv
The following says it all.
Source: http://blog.boxee.tv/2012/10/16/boxee-box-past-present-and-future/
"Today we announced a new device, Boxee TV, that will be available exclusively in the US this November. It brings together Live TV, Internet Apps and a first-of-its-kind Cloud DVR. The new device is running a new chipset from Broadcom and software that we wrote from the ground up. You can read more about it here.
At the same time, we are also working to release a separate update to the Boxee Box to update the Flash player and fix some key bugs. After this update the Boxee Box will go into maintenance mode. We will discontinue its distribution and will not be releasing any additional major updates.
The Boxee Box launched in Nov. 2010, and it was an exciting milestone for us. Since Boxee started, we wanted to see it running on a dedicated device and our partnership with D-Link made it happen.
Over the past couple of years we have released several major updates, numerous minor updates and added hundreds of apps. Earlier this year we launched Boxee Live TV, which added the ability to access over-the-air broadcast and the basic tier of cable (Clear QAM) in North America.
Our small team has poured our hearts and souls into the Boxee Box and it has been great to meet users from all over the globe. Some loved it, some wanted more features, others complained, but everyone was passionate. We hope you have enjoyed it and will continue to use it in your living rooms, dens, bedrooms or wherever else you set it up (I met one guy who installed it in his yacht!). If you are living in the US, we would love for you to continue our journey with us and order Boxee TV when it comes out.
Intel's Atom CE4100 chip currently powers D-Link's Boxee Box.
There are outstanding issues with this device can can only be resolved by Boxee once Intel release the updated SDK for the Intel Atom CE4100.
This has been stated numerous times by Boxee and has most recently been mentioned by Boxee CEO Avner Ronen when asked what was holding up availability of the Netlix UK app as part of a question and answer session with Boxee users that took place on 4th April 2012 which can be viewed at: http://www.spreecast.com/events/boxeechat
At 18:14 Avner's response is:
"So Netflix in the UK, newer version of flash, 3TB drive support, those are three issues that we hear a lot, those are three issues that are, can only be addressed when we move to a new SDK from Intel and that is a much longer process than we would want to and takes much more time than we would want to and resources and we still don't have a set date for it but that's what's holding it up."
It's also believed that a Netflix app for other non-US regions can only be released once Intel release the updated SDK.
At 29:22 it's also stated that the HD Audio drop out bug can also only be resolved once a new SDK from Intel is released.
"Without the new intel SDK it won't be resolved, so its going to take us time if and when that SDK will be something that we will be able to launch I think thats the only hope to solve it."
Intel discontinued support for the Atom CE4100 in October 2011. However it was also reported that "The CE4100 will continue to be sold and supported by Intel, and it will also remain - albeit more anonymously - in set top boxes."
(source: http://www.techradar.com/news/computing-components/processors/intel-ditches-smart-tv-division-1033610)
The 200,000+ users of the Boxee Box powered by this Intel chipset some of whom are part of the 2,815 active Boxee Box Forum users (as of 19th May 2012) have been waiting patiently for news from either Intel or Boxee that the new SDK has been released so Boxee can implement fixes for the issues mentioned above and this has yet to happen.
The Boxee Box is featured on Intel's website at:
Intel Smart TV facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/intelsmarttv
Twitter: @intelsmarttv
I believe Boxee users agree by not releasing the updated SDK, Intel isn't offering support for this chipset.
We, the undersigned - the users of Boxee Box - call on Intel to release the updated SDK for the Intel Atom CE4100 that Boxee requires to resolve the oustanding issues mentioned here.
The Release updated SDK for the Intel CE4100 Chipset petition to Intel Corporation was written by Shafqat and is in the category Science & Technology at GoPetition.