#Civil Rights
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
United States of America


Laws should be reformed for registered sex offenders who are first time offenders in the Georgia penal system and have not needed classification after a 5 year clear post conviction record, and have been on the Georgia registry from 8 to 10 years with a clear record.

These offenders should receive immediate relief from registering annually,and their record be rendered inactive- and reactivated only if they re-offend and commit another sex crime and - not be rearrested for getting a traffic ticket.

This frees the law enforcement to track released offenders who have not registered and add the registry those apprehended to replace the offenders who have served their sentences and done 8 to 10 years from their incarceration release, and to also incarcerate new offenders which haven't yet been arrested.

We, the undersigned, call on federal and state legislatures to eliminate Georgia sex offender laws, that should be reformed, for registered sex offenders who are first time offenders in the Georgia penal system, and have not needed classification after a 5 year clear post conviction record, and have been on the Georgia registry from 8 to 10 years with a clear record.

These offenders should receive immediate relief from registering annually,and their record be rendered inactive- and reactivated only if they re-offend and commit another sex crime - and not be rearrested for getting a traffic ticket .

This frees the law enforcement to track released offenders who have not registered and add the registry those apprehended to replace the offenders who have served their sentences and done 8 to 10 years from their incarceration release, and to also incarcerate new offenders which haven't yet been arrested.

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The Reform Post Conviction Georgia Sex Offender Laws on Registered Sex Offenders petition to Georgia Bureau of Investigation was written by Tommy Hargrove and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.