#Roads & Transport
Cambridgeshire County Council / Highways Agency
United Kingdom

The current speed limit on Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire (A1307) is 40MPH. This road is in a residential area which has street lights and cycle lanes. The speed limit should be reduced to 30MPH.

Cars often drive down this road far in excess of 40MPH and it would not be a surprise if somebody is killed cycling or crossing this road.

We, the undersigned, call on Cambridgeshire County Council and the Highways Agency to reduce the speed limit on Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire from 40 MPH to 30MPH.

The Reduce speed limit on Cambridge Road, Great Shelford petition to Cambridgeshire County Council / Highways Agency was written by Andrew Unsworth and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.