Reduce Business Management compensation from its outrageous current position

- Target:
- Rt Hon Dr Julian Lewis, MP for New Forest East
- Region:
- United Kingdom
CEO Executive pay, relative to most UK workers over the past three decades has risen from 47 times their average employee rate in 1998 to roughly 174 times that of the average UK worker in 2013 and now on 2015 data, 180+ times the average worker salary!
For verification of these appalling details.
These CEO’s have not excelled. FTSE Stock market values have been static in the 6000's which shows no growth unlike US Dow Jones that has risen from 12000 to 19000's in the same period.
The only reason why UK CEO pay has increased so rapidly compared to their employees is that they are greedy and get away with it.
Governments have talked but now is the time for STRONG political action. Suggest initial CAP of 140 times average salary and savings to be clearly used on quality and employee pay.
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