- Target:
- Australian Federal Government
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- acra.asn.au
For every kilogram of cartridge plastic up to 2.86 litres of oil is used and 6 kilograms of greenhouse gas are produced in its manufacture.
For every 1 kilogram of cartridge plastic produced the equivalent to 26 kw/h of electricity is used in its creation. This is enough to light a 50w fluorescent tube for 21 days or a 75 w incandescent globe for 14 days.
Compare that energy consumption: 500 cartridges would run a big 4 bedroom house with electric hot water and ducted air-conditioning for one (1) year.
It is estimated that 10 million plus printer cartridges are put into landfill in Australia every year and the number is increasing. By remanufacturing printer cartridges not only does it stop landfill it also reduces Australia's balance of payments through imports of new cartridges.
The Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) Lexmark, HP, Canon, Epson and others are fitting chips and other monitoring devices to the cartridges, the effect of which is to disable the cartridge when it is empty thereby stopping the cartridges from being remanufactured. In this way the owner of the printer is forced to buy new cartridges rather than a cheaper remanufactured cartridge.
The issue of voiding warranty as espoused by the OEM is illegal under the Trade Practices Act and so the threat to not fix a fault in the printer when under warranty because the owner has used a remanufactured cartridge can not be enforced.
From a cost point of view, an owner of a printer is entitled to use his/her device in any way he/she wishes. He/she is entitled to have the cartridge remanufactured if he/she wishes.
An Example:
What is the annual cost savings of a printer that takes a cartridge that prints 5000 pages, needs a new cartridge every 23 working days and costs $350 new but only $230 remanufactured? (savings = $1,356 p.a.)
Why does a $100 printer use 2 x $86 ink cartridges each (1 black, 1 colour) every 200 pages approx.?
By being able to obtain remanufactured cartridges you will save money
You will reduce landfill
You will reduce Australia's Balance of Payments debt
You will employ more Australians in the business of providing remanufacturing services.
We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Australian Federal Government to enact laws to prohibit the use of devices, contractual or otherwise or software that disable or prohibit the remanufacture of our empty printer cartridge.
In this way we will reduce greenhouse gas emission and the waste of oil caused in the unnecessary manufacture of these products. By so doing we will adhere to best environmental practice of 're-using' product before recycling before sending further plastic components to landfill.
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The Re-use Printer Cartridges petition to Australian Federal Government was written by David Lewis and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.