- Target:
- government
- Region:
- Canada
This Bill is now scheduled for second reading...
Please forward this email:
FROM: The Hon. Diane Finley P.C.M.P., Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development
I am pleased to respond to your electronic message which was forwarded to me by the Office of the Prime Minister the Right Honourable Stephen Harper regarding private member's Bill C-428.
As you know Bill C-428 proposes to amend the Old Age Security Act to reduce the residence requirement for entitlement to a monthly pension from ten years to three years. This private member's bill was introduced in the House of Commons by M.P. Ruby Dhalla / Liberal Opposition Member.
As the Minister responsible I have been very clear that when this Bill comes forward we will strongly oppose it. The Old Age Security (OAS) pension is paid to seniors in recognition of the contribution that they have made to Canadian society the economy and their community. The OAS program is non-contributory and is based solely on age and residence in Canada after the age of 18. The ten-year residence rule is consistent with many other countries that have residence or contribution requirements associated with their national pensions to ensure that benefits are given in proportion to years of residence or affiliation with their pension programs.
With this in mind it is felt that the current ten-year residence requirement represents a balance between a reasonable contribution to Canadian society and the right to receive a lifelong pension.
What Can You Do?
1. Spread the message to family friends and e-mail buds.
2. Write letters send e-mails to all your list and call Members of Parliament.
Protect Canadian Seniors; Stop Bill c428.
It is time Canada looked after its vets and long-term citizens before tossing OUR hard-earned money around on people who have no right to this money, never having paid taxes or contributed to our economy.
If a family wishes to bring elderly relatives here and are willing to waive their own right to collect these funds in order that the elderly relatives can receive them... Fine. Otherwise do not expect the Canadian taxpayers to do it. There are too many people abusing the generosity of the Canadian people. We need to stop this NOW.
We, our children and our grand children currently owe the global investment community over $500 billion dollars. The sum of our accumulated National Debt that is never publicized.
Now READ THIS, Canada Pensions:
* It is interesting to know that the federal Government of Canada allows:
a. A monthly pension of: $1,890.00 to a simple refugee
b. plus: 580.00 in social aid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A grand total of : $2,470.00 monthly X 12 months ========== $28,920.00 annual income.
By comparison the Old Age Pension of a senior citizen who has contributed to the development of Our Beautiful Big Country during 40 or 50 years CANNOT receive more than: a. Amount/month $1,012.00 in Old Age Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement x 12 months $12,144.00 annual income. A difference of: $16,776.00 per year.
* Perhaps our senior citizens should ask for the Status of Refugees instead of applying for Old Age Pension.
* Let us send this message to as many Canadians as possible and maybe the allowance of refugee could then be reduced to $1012.00 and that of our Canadian pensioners (who actually deserve it) raised to $2470.00 per month...the money that they have been paying in income taxes for 40 or 50 years INCREDIBLE NONSENSE! OUR CANADIAN SENIOR CITIZENS DESERVE BETTER.
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The Protect Canadian Seniors; Stop Bill c428 petition to government was written by richard benson and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.