- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
For the last 2 decdes LTTE alias LIBERATIONTIGER OS TAMIL EELAM Terrorsist group in Sri Lanka practise of force, abduct children in the North and East and traina gainst their will in their camps for various Terrorists attacks in Sri Lanka and overseas.The estimated childrens been kidnapped over 5000 for last 2 deacdes bby the LTTE.
Most of these children are between ages of 10 to 18 and bothe Male and Femals. Some children around age 10 has been train in isolated campse for suside missions for LTTE. These camps name as ROSE GARDEN where children lived in a isoltaed camps forbidden to enter for many. Today due to the lack of man power LTTE use children to fight with the Armed Forces.and also use as child slaves in their camps in the Wanni region in SRi Lanka.
It is very unfortuante thet the UN or the ICRC failed to resuce these childrens.
Thje parents are afraid of ther lives cannot raise their voicre against LTTE crimes agiant children in combast,UN have any clue or geniune intrest to activly invetigate this crimes but just was bale to made statments and send envoyes time to time for nothing,we belive the sri lankan community AND iNTERNATRIONAL community can make a push to build up immidate action against LTTE and bring them to INTERNATIONAL COURTS OF JUSTICE and punish them for their continue crimes against childrens in Sri Lanka.We also planing to offer a rehab programme for children esacpe from LTTE slave camps and you can write to us if you like to contribute your donations.
We, the undersigned, belive the sri lankan community AND INTERNATRIONAL community can make a push to build up immediate action against LTTE and bring them to INTERNATIONAL COURTS OF JUSTICE and punish them for their continue crimes against childrens in Sri Lanka.
We want a rehab programme for children who esacpe from LTTE slave camps.
(You can write to us if you like to contribute your donations.)
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The PROSECUTE LTTE FOR CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN petition to TO CREATE GLOBAL PROTEST AND PROSECUTE LTTE was written by senaka and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.