- Target:
- Government
- Region:
- Canada
Puppy mills are operated by extremely heartless and cruel breeders who take advantage of innocent dogs only for commercial profit. The female dogs are excessively bred to produce two litters per year from an early age of four months, and are eventually killed, bought by another puppy mill, or deserted. Moreover, they live their entire life in filthy, overly crowded cages piled above each other which offer no air circulation or heat, boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter.
The puppies also receive insufficient food and nutrition, grooming, water, exercise, sunlight and none to very little veterinarian health care and no toys, beds, or treats. They are usually have disease such as painful and weakening fur loss, bladder and intestine disorders, distorted and damaged limbs, brain damage, blindness, poor teeth, ear and eye infections, severe fevers, appetite loss, diarrhea, heavy blood lose, and stomach and intestinal sores. Along with physical ailments, the puppies have serious psychological problems due to abuse and harsh treatment, and they are highly unsociable and aggressive because they are deprived of contact with other humans animals.
Many pet stores obtain their puppies from puppy mills (except Petcetera), but puppy mills also make a profit online or through newspaper ads. These substantial, inadequate puppy breeding operations have been around for decades and they thrive because people continuously purchase puppies from them. But there are small fines, few laws and inspectors preventing their businesses from being prosperous
We, the undersigned, urge the British Columbia provincial government to boycott puppy mills. These high capacity breeding facilities are merciless and inhumane, perhaps something we will never experience or fully understand.
Signing this petition will change the lives of many thousands of dogs in British Columbia alone.
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The Prohibit Puppy Mills petition to Government was written by puppymill and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.