Prohibit Casino Buses using Public Parks as Park and Ride/Cấm xe Bus Casino sử dụng Các Công Vien đưa đón khách/Prohibir Casino autobuses utilizando Parques Públicos como aparcamiento disuasorio
- Users of Westminster Parks
- Closed on

- Target:
- City of Westminster Council, California
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
Thank you for signing the petition to prohibit Casino Bus Parking in Westminster Parks.
I credit Councilwoman Diana Carey who helped us to coordinate with different Departments in the City of Westminster in pushing a resolution on this Casino problem.
It has been almost 9 months without a Casino Bus problem. As a Vietnamese, I practice the saying "Remember the person who planted the tree for your fruit".
I pass on her re-election website here for your support.
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Ellen F Gillespie Park and other public parks in the City of Westminster have been turned in to "Park and Ride" locations for Casino Bus Operators and the Casino goers. This severely impacts the Scout activities consisting of young children in several Scout Troops, community sport teams, and other families picnics and park goers. If you support banning Casino related activities from public parks, please sign the Petition. Please pass it on to 5 emails for their support. You can read more to get the background. Thank you for your support.
Last Summer 2014, several casino buses used the Ellen F Gillespie Park as the "Park and Ride " place. We contacted Westminster Park and Recreation Department. The Park Enforcer came and the buses disappeared.
Summer of 2015. Every weekend, we found casino buses came frequently to pick up passengers. Last Sunday Sept 13, 2015 , from 8AM that we were there, we recorded 1 bus every hour arriving at the park picking up passengers.
We contacted Westminster Park and Recreation Department again along with other authorities. It doesn't appear that the City has a permanent mechanism to deal with the Casino buses and Casino goers' cars. As the result, the casino buses use Westminster public parks as their Park and Ride locations.
The Casino buses/Casino Goers on Public Park causes safety issues for the park-goers, children or adults, in terms of personal safety and traffic safety. This especially affects community groups who use the park every week including Scout groups, soccer teams, tennis teams, soft-ball teams, and the surrounding communities. Not only that, both the park-goers and the surrounding residential areas struggle to look for alternative parking spaces. Their parking spaces are occupied by the casino-goers, causing traffic liability. Kids and families now have to walk, sometimes jay-walk across major streets to get to the park.
The majority of Casino bus goers typically keep to themselves, but a small number of Casino-goers, while waiting for the bus, caused uncertainty and unsafe situation for young children, and young Girls and Boy Scouts with their intruding presence. Parents do not know if this is new parent or someone else.
Other cities have done extensive studies on Casino Buses . Those cities found that Casino buses caused safety issues for the community in those cities. At least 2 of these cities passed their own ordinances to ban Casino bus pickups in their cities. Those cities are City of Monterey Park, City of San Gabriel, City of Rosemead, and Korea Town in the City of Los Angeles. The casino buses and casino-goers have been chased away from many other communities who stand up for their rights.
There is no Casino in the City of Westminster or the surrounding cities. The operation of those Casino buses in the City of Westminster, at the community safety's expense, does not benefit anyone except the far-away Casinos, and few other individuals who receive benefits from them, directly or indirectly. On the other hand, they cause safety hazards and affect healthy enjoyment of those who use the public parks, and the surrounded residential areas.
It should be made clear that we do not have anything against the Casino business, buses, or Casino goers. We do not want them to use Westminster Public Parks as gathering place for Park and Ride. The Public Parks are designed for community enjoyment and activities, where kids and parents deserve maximum safety. We want the City of Westminster to be known as the City for healthy living and not the city known for Casino Park and Ride.
We, the undersigned, call on Westminster City Council to seriously take into consideration the issues raised regarding casino bus picking up casino-goers in or near public parks, and casino goers parking their cars at the public park and along the streets in the walking distance of the public park.
We ask that Westminster City Council, including Mayor Tri Ta, Mayor Pro Tem Sergio Contreras, Council Members Diana Carey, Tyler Diep, and Margie Rice, to make the necessary regulations to ensure that public parks and surrounding areas are not being used as Casino "Park and Ride" locations. Recommendation as below:
* Casino buses are prohibit from picking up passengers at the public parks including Gillespie Park, and other Westminster parks.
* Cars cannot be parked for more than 4 hours unattended along the street directly accessible to the public park or the public parking lots near or in the park, or another permanent mechanism to ban the Casino "Park and Ride" situation at public parks for commercial purpose.
The Prohibit Casino Buses using Public Parks as Park and Ride/Cấm xe Bus Casino sử dụng Các Công Vien đưa đón khách/Prohibir Casino autobuses utilizando Parques Públicos como aparcamiento disuasorio petition to City of Westminster Council, California was written by Users of Westminster Parks and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.