PNM Members
Trinidad and Tobago

According to the rules outlined by the Leadership of the Peoples National Movement, an individual could have registered online to become a member of the Party and once this was done before the 28th of February 2014, the said registrant will be eligible to vote in the May 18th, 2014 Internal Elections.

I have checked the official Preliminary List and have not seen my name and I can only conclude that my membership was not approved. In my estimation I have met all the outlined requirements so I am seeking clarification of the following:

1. The reasons my membership was not considered or
2. The reason my membership would have been denied and;
3. Have all online applications been disallowed and excluded from the process.

I am sure that an esteemed organization such as the PNM would have a very transparent process re the registration of new member so I am sure that you will promptly allay my fears and correct whatever glitch there may be in the online registrations process.

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The PNM membership registration petition to PNM Members was written by Pennelope Beckles-Robinson and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.