#Arts & Entertainment
Community Club Administration
United States of America

It has come to our attention that Mix-Master Ice's contract has been cancelled at the Community Club on Fridays.

We feel that this decision hurts Fort Belvoir as a whole. The Community Club provided military and civilian employees the opportunity to network, celebrate our accomplishments and to just have fun. The added plus was having a DJ available so that we could unwind to some music. We do not think that Mix-Master Ice was given a fair opportunity to build a large audience due to several factors:

· His hours were changed,
· He had to relinquish the room for other events,
· He was told by the manager Richard Whitestone that the bar didn't make a lot of money to justify Mix-Master Ice's presence,
· The bar was even closed at 9:00pm one evening to discourage patrons form staying.

People were starting to utilize this Friday Special Event to celebrate promotions and bid each other farewell (ETS & PCS). The Community Club offered everyone the chance to party safely without having to travel outside our community.

Bring back Mix-Master Ice.

We, the undersigned, petition to bring Back DJ Mix-Master Ice to the Community Club.

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The Please Return Mix Master Ice to the Community Club on Friday petition to Community Club Administration was written by Virginia and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

virginia NorthernVirginia