Jan Spate Animal Supplies

Jan Spate needs your support. If she has helped you in the past, please help her now. Sign this petition online or sign in hard copy at the shop. Message the shop via Facebook if you want to sign in Yass.

Jan is facing charges relating to the possession of vet-only medicines and this is your opportunity to provide a reference regarding the contribution she has made in her career.

Please read the text and if you agree with the petition, please sign. Please note that we are only seeking your signature if you know Jan and have had a genuine professional relationship with her. Comments to verify this would be appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

The Presiding Magistrate

ACT Magistrate Court

We, the undersigned, have known Ms Jan Spate for many years, including when she was a registered veterinary surgeon, in which capacity we used to take our animals to her for veterinary attention.

Ms Spate had a reputation for being a very dedicated veterinary surgeon who always showed the highest regard for the health and welfare of the animals she treated. It is common knowledge that she was always prepared to, and on numerous occasions did, attend to animals in need at any time of the day and night. She was caring and compassionate to animal and owner when the time came for an animal to be put to sleep. She was and remains highly regarded and loved by a very large number of animal owners in the ACT and NSW.

Ms Spate very often treated animals for reduced fees, or charged no fee, where the animal’s owner could not afford necessary treatment for their pet. Her concern was always for the animal’s health and welfare rather than making money. Were it not for her willingness to put the welfare of animals ahead of earning fees, very many pets would have suffered as a result of not receiving the necessary treatment because their owners could not have afforded the fees charged by other vets. In this way she provided a very valuable public service.

We are aware of the charges that Ms Spate is facing and ask that the very many years of good work and contribution to society through her veterinary services be taken into account by the Court when it imposes a sentence on her.

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The Please help Jan Spate petition to Jan Spate Animal Supplies was written by Scarlet Bennett and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.