Philips product management and marketing

january 8, 2006

Les DVP9000s sont de superbes machines mais avec trop de défauts qui rendent son utilisation agaçante et aléatoire.

Quelques problemes:
- Saut de chapitres
- Pertes de son (cela m'est arrivé aujourd'hui)
- Lenteur
- Blocages (quand vous touchez certaines touches de la TC, en cours de lecture, parfois la machine se bloque)
- Tendance vers le vert dans les scènes obscures


The DVP9000s are superb machines (on paper) with great specifications.
Unfortunately, the reality is quite different and users are facing many problems / bugs which makes the use of the DVP9000s very frustrating.

Some problems faced by users:
- Skip of chapters
- Loss of sound
- Very slow
- Freezes when pressing some keys on the remote control
- Dark images are green,
- etc

Cette pétition à pour objet de faire part au 'top management' de Philips du mécontentement des utilisateurs du DVP9000s (lecteur DVD-SACD).
Cette machine, aux spécifications brillantes, est bourrée de défauts (bugs) qui rend son utilisation aléatoire et difficile surtout dans la lecture de DVD.

The DVP9000s are superb machines (on paper) with great specifications.
Unfortunately, the reality is quite different and users are facing many problems / bugs which makes the use of the DVP9000s very difficult, particularly when watching a DVD.

This petition is to let Philips management know of our dissatisfaction.

The Philips DVP9000s petition to Philips product management and marketing was written by Francis and is in the category Business at GoPetition.