- Target:
- chicago board of education
- Region:
- United States of America
This petion is to let the board of education know that the parents are tired of them putting prinipals over our children and they are not doing what they are supposed to when they get there. We think that judy knox carter will be the best person for dodge, she has proven that she can manage and that she will work as hard as possible to get dodgeschool off probation.
Please help in putting ms judy knox carter in the principal's seat.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
20.00 USD
1 week
60.00 USD
3 weeks
100.00 USD
5 weeks
200.00 USD
10 weeks
500.00 USD
25 weeks
∗ Specials are listed in red
The Petiton to make Ms Judy Knox Carter principal of dodge school petition to chicago board of education was written by tina and is in the category Education at GoPetition.