Minister of Industry - Tony Clement

As Students Understanding Rights For Online Neutrality (SURFON) we are concerned about the future of our internet.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and large corporations in Canada are threatening to alter the internet from its current state to a hierarchical, “gatekeeper network” whereby information will be filtered to the user based on its source, ownership, and destination.

Net Neutrality is in jeopardy and we urge you to investigate and speak for us against these undemocratic acts. More than 13,000 Canadians have asked the CRTC to enforce Net Neutrality and now we're asking you to join us.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to protect our Internet and keep it free for all:

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The Petition to Protect Online Neutrality petition to Minister of Industry - Tony Clement was written by SurfOn and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.