- Target:
- The California State Senate
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.cfpa.net
Due to the fact that the California Food Stamp program is inefficient and inaccessible, we are petitioning to pass The Food Stamp Modernization Act.
The Food Stamp program is needed to provide Californians under a certain income level with proper support for a healthy lifestyle. In fact, California has one of the lowest percentages of participation in the Food Stamp program in the United States. By modifying the system, 108,000 more Californians will be able to receive food stamps.
Currently, the Food Stamp system is wasteful and inefficiently bureaucratic. Families have to make an average of five visits to the registration office to complete all the steps to obtain food stamps, which decreases the amount of time they can spend working and supporting themselves.
Workers have to continually update databases unnecessarily, which increases the cost and wates time. By modernizing the system, the state of California will pay less toward the Food Stamp program while families in need receive more benefits. The state could save up to $50 million, which will help reclaim the $2 billion in federal funds that California is currently losing and it will in turn pump millions into our struggling economy.
We, the undersigned, petition the State Legislature of California to pass AB 1057: The Food Stamp Modernization Act of 2009.
The system is currently unacceptable and insufficient in providing Californians with essential resources.
We ask that you pass this bill in order to help Californians in need and to lower the costs for taxpayers and the state.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Petition to Pass AB 1057: The Food Stamp Modernization Act petition to The California State Senate was written by Jessie Durrett and is in the category Health at GoPetition.