The people of the Philippines

Quiboloy the appointed son of God can stop earthquakes, surely he can stop a typhoon. Philippines has suffered a lot from typhoons and different kinds of environmental calamities. Many people have died and a lot are missing due to massive typhoons and earthquakes. With the help from Quiboloy, natural calamities will stop. People from the Philippines will no more suffer from deadly calamities and miserable life. Petition for Quiboloy our savior.

We the people of the Philippines call for Quiboloy to stop the typhoon Tisoy which will cause A LOT OF DAMAGE specially to the land of bicolanos.

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The Petition for Quiboloy to stop Bagyong Tisoy petition to The people of the Philippines was written by Harol Balunsay and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.

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