#Roads & Transport
WA State Government and Australian Federal Government

As it stands the Lukin Drive interchange on the Mitchell Freeway extension will be the only interchange on the Freeway without a connecting road east. This 0.8km connecting road will return many economic and social benefits for minimal cost:

- Increase road safety
- Provide desperately needed economic stimulus
- Reduce cost of living
- Reduce travel times
- Reduce travel costs
- Activate tourism and recreation

An extra 0.8km of road will connect a vital 20km+ east-west link from Marmion Ave, Mitchell Fwy and Metronet to Wanneroo Rd, Old Yanchep Rd, future Yanchep Whiteman Hwy, airport, Gt Northern Hwy links and Neerabup Industrial Estate.

We therefore ask the Governments to fund and build the 0.8km connection from Lukin Drive to Wanneroo Road as part of the Mitchell Freeway extension to Romeo Rd which has commenced construction.

Please sign to show your support for the Lukin Drive connection to Wanneroo Road.

This campaign has been authorised by the North Wanneroo Residents Association.

We, the undersigned, ask the WA State and Federal Governments to fund and build the 0.8km connection from Lukin Drive to Wanneroo Road as part of the Mitchell Freeway extension to Romeo Rd which has commenced construction.

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The Connect our community: Lukin Drive Interchange connecting road petition to WA State Government and Australian Federal Government was written by North Wanneroo Residents Association and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.

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