- Target:
- Government of Canada
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- petitions.parl.gc.ca
News Release: 18 February 2017
Hello dedicated supporters of this effort to get a medal for all Veterans that have served. Originally the GGVSM, then the CMVSM, it is now being referred to as the CFSM or Canadian Forces Service Medal. It has been years of effort to try and make headway to get this medal effort going so I am now lobbying for the medal. You may show support by signing this petition, but should you want to contribute to the Lobbying Fund, you can go to GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme.com/volunteer-medal-veterans-cmvsm and click on Donate Now. Our goal is $10K, and I am confident that for the thousands of supporters over the years, if those that can help out even a few bucks at a time, we can reach that goal. I hope you will go to the GoFundMe volunteer-medal-veterans-cmvsm and support our efforts at raising funds to lobby for this medal. Thanks to one and all for your continued support. Let's get this done.
NOTE: There is no age restriction to signing a Petition to the government. Signing anonymously does not support it. There are in excess of 14,000 signatures and if everyone threw a buck or two at the GoFundMe effort to support lobbying for the CFSM, we could accomplish our effort in short order.
I hope you might sign on and donate. Your help is appreciated.
To The Government of Canada
1. During a specified period of Service to their Country, Canadians, from 3 September 1939, to 1 March 1947, received the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, and
2. During a specified period of Service to their Country, Canadians, from 27 June 1950, to 27 July 1953, received the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea;
We, the undersigned residents of Canada, respectfully call upon the Government of Canada, to recognize by means of the issuance of a new Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, to be designated “The Canadian Forces Service Medal" previously often referred to as the (CMVSM), for service by Canadians in the Regular and Reserve Military Forces and Cadet Corps Support Staff who were not eligible for the aforementioned medals and who have completed 365 days of uninterrupted honourable duty in the service of their country Canada, since 2 March 1947.
Au gouvernement du Canada
1. Ayant servi volontairement leur pays, de n’importe quel grade de la Marine, de l’Armée ou des Forces aériennes, du 3 septembre 1939 au 1e mars 1947, des Canadiens ont reçu la MÉDAILLE CANADIENNE DU VOLONTAIRE.
2. Ayant servi volontairement leur pays, de n’importe quel grade de la Marine, de l’Armée ou des Forces aériennes pour une période de temps déterminée, du 27 juin 1950 au 27 juillet 1953, des Canadiens ont reçu la MÉDAILLE DU VOLONTAIRE POUR SERVICE EN CORÉE.
Nous, résidents soussignés du Canada, demandons respectueusement au Gouvernement du Canada, de reconnaître le service volontaire des Canadiens qui ont servi dans l’armée régulière, l’armée des réservistes ou le personnel de soutien des corps cadets en émettant une nouvelle médaille canadienne du volontaire appelée LE MILITAIRE CANADIENNE DES VOLONTAIRES MÉDAILLE Souvent désigné comme MÉDAILLE de la GOUVERNEURE GÉNÉRALE POUR SERVICE VOLONTAIRE.
Les récipiendaires seraient ceux qui ont complété honorablement 365 jours ininterrompus de service pour le Canada depuis le 2 mars 1947 et qui ne sont pas admissibles à recevoir la MÉDAILLE CANADIENNE DU VOLONTAIRE.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Petition for a Canadian Forces Service Medal for our Veterans (CFSM) petition to Government of Canada was written by Dave Palmer and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.