#Human Rights
Sausage Sizzle Party

The SAUSAGE SIZZLE PARTY, the World's first non- political, left / centre / right / green etc, political ideology free party, are standing up for your right, to not be harassed and harried into particpating in the endless treadmill of pointless elections.

A World free of political B#@$%^@T, and all the behind the scenes machinations of the moneylenders who control the politicians and the so called governments, is the desire and hope of, WE THE PEOPLE.

We the People, are sick and tired of participating in the charade that is laughingly promoted as your vote, your voice.

We the People, are Mandating, that in every election from this day forward until the ending of the World, that every single ballot include on the electoral ballots a "VOTE for NOBODY"!

And if "NOBODY" is elected, then all political parties ,( including independents ) must disband, and "NOBODY" must be rightfully installed as the Government, and also that, no further elections can take place.

As this is the "WILL OF THE PEOPLE" that "NOBODY" should and will rule over us, Forever.

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The People's Mandate to "VOTE for NOBODY" petition to Sausage Sizzle Party was written by david bramwells and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.