- Target:
- Residents of Liverpool and London
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.paxrepublic.net
Imagine a country at the confluence of 4 continents, representing all the human diversity, where cultures breed from each others, where imagination and creativity flow among its constituencies beating the divides and innovating in a new transnational era.
The time has come for such a transnational dream to come true:
• The current financial crisis is due to the unfair distribution of wealth and social injustice. Curing it by going back to the same values of consumerism will recreate the cycle. Closing up the doors and raising up the walls of protectionism is obsolete in an interconnected world.
• The global gravity centre is shifting from west to east and from being one polar to multi-polar.
• nation-state is no longer the sole player in determining international and even domestic politics. It has to share the stage with a large and growing array of agencies and organisations (McGrew 1992, Global Politics).
• The dispersion of national power radically changes the politics of citizenship: On the one hand, it is increasingly difficult for national governments to determine and to guarantee citizens’ rights independently from other political forces. In this context, not only external influences (e.g. at the transnational level) can be decisive, but also challenges from within, for example by city or regional governments. On the other hand, participation and even representation in the polity are increasingly matters beyond the jurisdiction of national governments and nation states. A good example of this is the attempt by the European Union to create a European citizenship and to define the political rights of European citizens within the member states by granting local and European voting rights (Meehan 1993, Citizenship and the European Community).
• The role of civil society in influencing politics is stronger then ever.
• New Telecommunication Technologies has reshaped the inter-human relationships and is creating Homo-Universalis, digital savvy and transnational creatures
PAX REPUBLIC is a transnational community building project that explores the factors that unite humanity. The components of this timeless journey are products of groups and communities from various backgrounds and continents united by PAX REPUBLIC vision.
PAX REPUBLIC intends to break the walls created by the actual divide-and-rule political systems through a cross-disciplinary approach: reconstructing the spirit of humanism, building on what has been achieved, seeking the wisdom and good practices locally and overseas, harnessing the power of the ICT, sharing creativity and imagination, bringing transnational communities together and integrating them in all areas: culturally, socio-economically and politically, going beyond the official approach of city twinning to embrace fully the other and interbreed with his culture.
PAX REPUBLIC will be developed in phases. The first phase entitled ‘Genesis’ will be a collaborative work of 5 years in 5 cities from the 4 continents - Liverpool, Cape Town, Istanbul, Guadalajara and London. The objective of this phase is to build in each of those cities a cross-disciplinary transnational community that shares our core values and start implementing its strategic vision of transnational communities integration.
We, Liverpool Citizens, amend the LIVERPOOL DECLARATION FOR THE CREATION OF PAX REPUBLIC, the first Transnational Republic that will unite at its first phase communities in Liverpool, London, Cape Town, Istanbul and Guadalajara, and adhere to PAX REPUBLIC core values of Transparency, Accountability, Interculturalism, Faith, Collaboration and Openness, as well as its objectives, including:
Social Objectives
• PAX REPUBLIC will facilitate the organization of collaborative events for focus dedicated to the specification and implementation of development projects within their domain of expertise.
• PAX REPUBLIC will forge multilateral relationships and build partnership for purpose between its member entities
Economic Objectives
• Shared resources – PAX REPUBLIC will focus on the leveraging, mobilization and establishment of shared member resources
• Economies of scale - PAX REPUBLIC will harness the combined purchasing power of its member entities.
• Institution building – PAX REPUBLIC will focus on the establishment of key institutions necessary for its operations
• Voluntary Sector – PAX REPUBLIC will establish itself as an effective provider of assistance in the development and management of non profit organizations
• Private Sector – PAX REPUBLIC will establish itself as an effective provider of best Practices – documenting, publishing and archiving best practice processes and procedures for doing social responsible business in its cities
Political Objectives
• Advocacy – PAX REPUBLIC will lobby the relevant statutory authorities and official development agencies to assist in the implementation its socio-economic and cultural objectives
Communication Objectives
• Publish timely electronic and hard multimedia (print and broadcast) for the express purpose of supporting the marketing, advertising and advocacy objectives of its member entities.
Cross-disciplinary collaboration Objectives
• PAX REPUBLIC will facilitate the organization of category related “focus groups” dedicated to the specification, implementation and development of collaborative projects within their specific domain of expertise..
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The PAX REPUBLIC DECLARATION petition to Residents of Liverpool and London was written by Lotfi and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.