Parking three cars in driveway, thefts in park, unsafe, unhealthy environment, MRL violations
- Target:
- Management of the Highland Mobile home park on 7717 Church Ave, Highland, CA
- Region:
- United States of America
According to the MRL we as residents have the right to petition any and all new rules given to us by Management. In the agreement given to us when we moved in. Per agreement under Vehicles ad Parking:
A. General Rules
You have permission to keep any number of vehicles that will fit upon the concrete or paved portion of your driveway, without extending into the street or yard. Only vehicles which are used in daily transportation may be parked on the driveways of the Residents space.
Several residents received notice that they could no longer have three vehicles in their driveway. This is in violation of our contract. You stated that it was due to emergency personal could not get into residents homes. Where is the law that pertains to that? We do have front doors for entrance. And if we lived in a regular single family home and there were a garage that parked two or more cars there would be the same problem. Many people park 3 cars in their driveway because you stated they could. Now we have several vehicles that have been stolen because of the homeless coming in to go through the garbage and steal not only cars but bicycles, tools etc. You have not kept up with the health and safety clause in the MRL, which is the responsibility of Management and property owners, not the residents and we do not have to pay for that service because it is implied by MRL. We have increased rents every year and do not see improvements that are considered the responsibility of Management. We invoke our rights to have parking as it has been stated in our contract and what we agreed upon in our agreement when we moved in.
We the undersigned call on the Management team of the Highland Mobile Home Park, at 7717 Church Ave, Highland, CA to adhere to the contract where it states we can park as many vehicles that fit in our cemented driveway as long they do not stick out and onto the street.
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The Parking three cars in driveway, thefts in park, unsafe, unhealthy environment, MRL violations petition to Management of the Highland Mobile home park on 7717 Church Ave, Highland, CA was written by Carmelita Billingsley and is in the category MRL violations, parking, rental agreement at GoPetition.