City of Philadelphia
United States of America

The Philly OST Coalition is a group of stakeholders resolved to instituting a plan that educates our new city leaders and builds on relationships in order to change the way OST is supported. The Philly OST Coalition works in partnership with Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) and major City-based and community-based services providers.

WHAT’S OUR MISSION? To keep children and youth safe by developing them into contributing citizens during non-school hours.

Scope of Work: Ensure sustainability of Out-of-School-Time programming in Philadelphia by enhancing competencies and supporting learning for children and youth.

I support Philly OST Coalition in their efforts to work with city leaders to create sustainable and fully-funded, universal afterschool and summer programming in the City of Philadelphia.

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The Parents and OST Stakeholders 2016 petition to City of Philadelphia was written by Philly OST Coalition and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.