- Target:
- RTC, Allied Universal & Mayor Goodman
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- youtu.be
Patrons of Southern Nevada public transportation are being subjected to abhorrent behavior by security officers hired to protect the people and their client's needs (the needs and desires of RTC). Behaviors that are not limited to sexual harassment, bullying, harassment, unprofessional behavior (soliciting sexual acts and or favors), excessive force, discrimination, verbal and mental abuse, taunting patrons, misusing and abusing their authority. In New York alone 63% of women surveyed mentioned personal experiences of sexual harassment, while 10 % reported sexual assault. This article can be located at https://howwegettonext.com/how-to-make-public-transportation-safer-for-women-b68678a2edb2 Some of the security officers hired by Allied Universal Services and contracted by RTCSNV have improperly detained, pushed, choked and struck individuals. This type of action is taking place all over the US and needs to be stopped now, In places such as Los Angeles, California. "Alleged assaults over the last two years have prompted at least 11 investigations by the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, which has repeatedly complained to MTA officials about abusive security officers, as the guards are called within the MTA." This information can be located at: http://articles.latimes.com/2009/may/18/local/me-mtasecurity18. Some security officers do carry guns, batons and pepper spray, However, they are not legally authorized to act as law enforcement officers. Their main responsibilities are protecting their client's property, guarding revenues and patrolling stations during the daily operation of service. These are videos showing transit officers using excessive force, threatening patrons, abusing their authority, not de-escalating intense situations, unable to effectively communicate with individuals, and or touching individuals when asked not to and removing any individual recording their actions, lack of actions and or verbal comments on video from the scene, Please go to the following websites to view the ongoing abhorrent behaviors of private transits security across our nation: The attached links are to videos which show the escalating trend of security officers taking the law into their own hands. "Video Shows Security Officer Punch Man at Transit Center Uptown" https://youtu.be/7gBo6nDKuP4 "Rochester Transit Center Arrest" https://youtu.be/LSjZzqQdpIQ "Security officer fired after video surfaces" https://youtu.be/tlNnWnUZUnc "Security guard arrested after garage shooting" https://youtu.be/TrfWrphj4LE and "RTC in las Vegas" (Officers knee on suspects neck) https://youtu.be/dfdE1Ob0vb8
We, the undersigned, call on RTC & Allied Universal Services to bring forth a change in security personnel to ensure each officer has the required training, does not resort to mental & verbal abuse, knows how to de-escalate any tense situation, doe not resort to weapons and or physically restraining (unless ABSOLUTELY necessary), respectful to all he/she comes in contact with (no matter what the situation is and or person(s) involved), can get people to do what he/she wants and or needs the person(s) to do without touching, verbally insulting and or threatening the individual, ALWAYS honest and displays integrity (at ALL times NO matter the situation and or person(s) involved), reports accurate accounts of all incidents to authorities and writes professional reports based on facts (OBJECTIVE data NOT Subjective data based on opinions and or emotions) & knows the difference between an observation that needs and or may be dismissed and an observation that requires their diversion.
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The Our Dignity & Safety Matters petition to RTC, Allied Universal & Mayor Goodman was written by Jared Edwards and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.