- Target:
- Concerned people against wal-mart and Major lying retailers
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.freewebs.com
Protesting a law that states that major food retailers may label foods that are not really organic, as "organic" simply based on the chemicals used in the growth of the product.
This law has already taken hold in many states, such as California and Oregon to name a few and is spreading quickly.
It has become well known fact that organic food is imesuarably better for you then that of which is treated with pestacides and other chemicals so when did it become ok for major retailers, such as wal-mart to lable non-organic food as organic.
The exact definition of organic is as follows-OR·GAN·IC-1. Raised or conducted without the use of drugs, hormones, or synthetic chemicals. With that in mind think of the fact that federal law states that a produce may be labled as organic if the item is treated with only CERTAIN chemicals.
Organic should mean organic not almost organic please sign and help stop this injustice and get this to another level to bring this truly to the attention of the goverment to tell them we are the people and we want the truth about what we purchase what we serve and what we eat!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Organic Outrage petition to Concerned people against wal-mart and Major lying retailers was written by Daniel Eisler & Devin Cowart and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.