Petition will be sent to decision-making authorities
United Kingdom

Residents of, and visitors to, Northern Ireland's North Antrim and North Derry/Londonderry areas are expressing their opposition to the proposed explorations and drilling for hydrocarbons in the area. This includes, but is not limited to, the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

Increasingly, evidence is emerging from other populated areas where drilling (not just fracking) is taking place (Australia, the USA), that there are real risks to human, animal and environmental health, through contamination of soil, air and waterways.

We do not want these risks to damage our health or destroy our valuable, and sustainable, agricultural and tourism industries.

Please join us in opposing this.

We, the undersigned, are opposed to any form of drilling and exploration of hydrocarbons in this area (North Antrim and North Derry/Londonderry) due to the long-term negative impact on our community in terms of health, farming, environment and tourism.

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The Oppose drilling and exploration for hydrocarbons in North Antrim and Derry/Londonderry petition to Petition will be sent to decision-making authorities was written by Ballinlea Residents Group and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.