#Law & Order
Open clinics on weekend
United Kingdom

Basically I lost my brother due to methadone overdose which was not his fault, it was down to the fact that someone had their weekend take-out and thought it was ok to do a prank.

So I thik their should be a clinic open on weekends just like their is on weekdays so users can get only the amount they need each day.

Their have been lots of cases of people overdosing from methadone so I think if a clinic was to be opened on weekends it would be a lot safer for people.

We want methodone clinics to be opened on weekends for safety and health reasons.

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The Open methadone clinics on weekends petition to Open clinics on weekend was written by jaymee-leigh roderick and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

addiction heroin methadone