Oh Catholic Bishops, If Not Now, When? Will You Demand The Senate Appoint A Pro-Life Justice? Will You Protect Your Flock, Born And Unborn?

- Target:
- Catholics Reaching out to Catholic Bishops
- Region:
- United States of America
Abortion is modern man’s institution of slavery. It is the dehumanization of an entire group of innocent human beings who, just like slaves, were powerless and had no voice. It is the denial of objective reality for the sake of convenience. Children are not property, no differently than Dred Scott and his family were not property, regardless of what 9 members of the Supreme Court said.
History has not been kind to those who failed
to see all of God’s creation as children of God. In hindsight, it’s easy to say Dred Scott v. Sanford was wrong. It’s easy to say that each of you would have spoken out. That you would have told those in power we, as a nation, must change that immoral law. Well, now is your chance.
Now is the time for you to speak. Saint Theresa of Calcutta said - “This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts” and “A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt and must empty ourselves.”
Acting in love will never be convenient and will always come with personal cost, “But if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear that name.” 1 Peter 4:16
Dear Bishops - Will you demand that the Senate confirm a pro-life Justice?
Dear Bishops - Will you demand that the Senate confirm a pro-life Justice?
Dear Bishops - Will you demand that the Senate confirm a pro-life Justice?
Peter, our first and greatest Bishop, denied our Lord and Savior three times. He acted in fear of red martyrdom! However, the Lord in his mercy provided Peter not only the opportunity to repent, but at the same time the opportunity to feed and care for the flock now entrusted to Peter’s care.
As with Peter, the Lord in his mercy provides you with an opportunity. Now is your opportunity for white martyrdom!! Now is the time to lay down your lives for your sheep! Now is the time for you to acknowledge the truth at hand and act.
You have the obligation and an opportunity from God to lead your sheep and tell them the truth - that they cannot be Catholics and vote for someone who supports abortion.
Will you continue to allow people to deny the Lord’s words - that to follow Him we must lay down our lives for one another - not lay down another’s life for ours?
Will you repent of your silence in every presidential election since Roe v Wade and be led where you do not wish to go?
Will You Demand The Senate Appoint A Pro-Life Justice? Will You Protect Your Flock, Born And Unborn?
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The Oh Catholic Bishops, If Not Now, When? Will You Demand The Senate Appoint A Pro-Life Justice? Will You Protect Your Flock, Born And Unborn? petition to Catholics Reaching out to Catholic Bishops was written by Melissa Bruns and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.