#Neighborhood Living
United States of America

The Alcohol and Drug rehab house in our neighborhood is very disruptive with the numerous cars and very concerning with the number of people under the influence who come and go through out the day.

We have had the police and the ambulance out to the neighborhood numerous times due to the Rehab House.

As citizens and taxpayers of Redwood City, we are opposed to having any alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in our neighborhood.

Alcohol and Drug rehab house in our neighborhood is very disruptive with the numerous cars and very concerning with the number of people under the influence who come and go through out the day.

We have had the police and the ambulance out to the neighborhood numerous times due to the Rehab House.

As citizens and taxpayers of Redwood City, we are opposed to having any alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in our neighborhood.

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The No to Alcohol and Drug Rehab House in Emerald Hills Neighborhood petition to CITY OF REDWOOD CITY was written by Emerald Hills and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.