- Target:
- Residents of Loudoun County
- Region:
- United States of America
A petition to cease all future annexations of properties into the town of Purcellville, VA.
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We the undersigned urge the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors and the Purcellville Mayor and Town Council to cease all future consideration of annexation of properties located north of Route 7 into the Town of Purcellville. Our rationale for this request is as follows:
1. Growth of the Town of Purcellville beyond its current borders will add to increased demands for town resources, at a cost exceeding possible utility and tax revenue. The added demand for water utilities may be in excess of peak supply available.
2. Residential housing in developments suggested in annexed properties will stress school capacities.
3. No due diligence has been performed by the town at the most basic of levels to alleviate those concerns addressed in (1) and (2).
4. Further growth will be to the detriment of existing town businesses by draining demand to the outskirts. Sprawl could likewise be significantly deleterious to the town’s image, impacting its value and attractiveness.
5. Route 7 currently serves as a natural buffer to rural Loudoun to the north. Annexations will result in development creep into rural Loudoun, and such developments will most likely be detrimental to rural Loudoun, which is both a scenic and economic treasure. Furthermore, annexations and associated developments will be antithetical to the land use strategies articulated in the county’s General Plan.
6. Transportation will be impacted, adding to traffic woes both at the Route 7 –Route 287 interchange, as well as Hirst Road.
7. Annexations will result in an abrupt transition into the rural area, to the detriment of property owners in those areas.
8. Conflicts of interest exist with the Purcellville Town Council which should call to question any past decisions regarding annexations.
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The No More Purcellville Annexations petition to Residents of Loudoun County was written by Owen Brown and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.