Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
United Kingdom

Stop the DUP / Sinn Fein Stalemate By Unlocking The Power of the Smaller Political Parties in Northern Ireland. It may surprise you to learn that UUP/ SDLP / ALLIANCE / GREENS together have 32 seats and over 290500 votes. More than either of the 2 'biggest parties' and more than 1/3 of both the seats and the total votes. Please sign a petition for a New Voluntary ('Normal') Coalition to be formed as there has now been no agreement for over 14 months.

We the undersigned call for a Voluntary instead of a Mandatory Coalition in the Northern Ireland Assembly in the absence of an Agreement to form an Executive between the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein under the Current Arrangements.

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The No More NI Assembly Stalemate : New Cross Community Coalition for a Working Executive NOW! petition to Secretary of State for Northern Ireland was written by Mr Gareth Burns and is in the category Government at GoPetition.