No More Killing Of Strays - Satu-Mare - Romania
- Mira Iordanescu ARPDA - ANIMCORD
- Closed on
- Target:
- Mr.Mayor of Satu-Mare, Consiliul Judetean, DSV Satu-Mare
- Region:
Thanks to everyone who signed and supported this campaign
The petition will be delivered to its target !
Thank you all and God Bless you all !
We have become aware of the following : Veterinarian Magor Attila has killed over 1,000 dogs based on a law which is not in force any more, at the orders of Mr. Mayor Ilyes Iuliu.
(In urma aparitiei in ziarul Adevarul de Satu Mare a articolului "Satu Mare: 90% din maidanezi au fost eutanasiati" am contactat "medicul veterinar" al adapostului, Magor Attila, care mi-a confirmat ca a ucis cainii pentru ca "astea sunt dispozitiile primarului pentru ca ei nu au de ce si cu ce sa tina cainii in adapost".
In Satu-Mare-Romania, with the knowledge and from the order of the MAYOR more than 1,000 dogs have been killed, illegally , be the veterinarian who continues to act based on a specific article of an old law , which article is no longer in force...
These crimes must stop and those who broke the law, which they were suppose to implement, must be punished...
Unfortunately the horrifying crimes against animals in Romania happen for far too long and we ask and hope that all authorities in that country will take, finally, the necessary measures to stop the massacres.
We, the undersigned, call upon the authorities in Satu-Mare County - Romania, to fully investigate the activity of the Mayor of Satu-Mare Mr. Ilyes Eugen and the Veterinarian Magor Attila, regarding the illegal killing of more than 1,000 dogs, from Oct.2009 to the present.
As a country member of the EU, we expect that Romania will implement the rule of LAW and will respect the international treaties and conventions signed, ratified and entered into force.
WE hope that these atrocities against animals in Satu-Mare, and all over Romania will stop.
The No More Killing Of Strays - Satu-Mare - Romania petition to Mr.Mayor of Satu-Mare, Consiliul Judetean, DSV Satu-Mare was written by Mira Iordanescu ARPDA - ANIMCORD and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.