- Target:
- Government
- Region:
- United Kingdom
The government's proposal to charge a £50 licence fee for all landlords is a blatant attempt to raise money for nothing.
If there was genuine desire in the government to target and eradicate bad practice in the private rental market, instead of a licence fee that all law abiding landlords would pay, there should be large fines or repossession of properties belonging to repeatedly offending landlords.
We, the undersigned, call on the government to reassess their proposal of a mandatory licence fee for all private landlords.
In it's place we ask that there is a genuine attempt to create a reasonable system, that would enable tenants to gain a guaranteed minimum standard of service, whilst imposing stiff financial penalties of those unwilling to adhere to this standard. As a balancing measure, a system dealing with problem tenants should be created.
We also ask that the government consult and work closely with organisations such as ARLA and RLA throughout the process.
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The No licence fee for landlords petition to Government was written by Andrew and is in the category National Affairs at GoPetition.