Opening a new SAT test center in ACST or AMIDEAST Sousse, Sfax

- October 5th test has no more seats available
- Early decision applicants critically need to take the test on October 5th
- One test center in the entire country is not enough as the test takers pool is constantly getting larger
- According to The College Board's website, AMIDEAST -Tunisia centers are qualified to be test centers.
-ACST (American Cooperative School of Tunis) is also qualified to be a test center.

To whoever it may concern,
As most of the October SATs test takers know, seats for the October 5th SATs test are no longer available. Knowing that most of this year's applicants are applying to colleges as soon as November ( November 1st is the Early Decision deadline for most of American colleges and universities), it is critical to take the SAT test In October in order to be able to apply on time, as the SAT score is a a very important part of your profile.
This petition is meant to be sent as a request to The College Board to consider opening a new test center in one of the AMIDEAST centers for the October 5th's SAT test.
Please note that this petition is not exclusive to the 5th of October test takers as this initiative will make test taking much easier for everyone in the future.
With this being said, please take time to sign this petition.
Thank you.

PS: Parents, test supervisors, and everyone concerned with this matter is welcome to sign and share the petition.

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The New SAT test center (Tunisia) petition to Opening a new SAT test center in ACST or AMIDEAST Sousse, Sfax was written by Meriem Mazmouri and is in the category Education at GoPetition.