- Target:
- Fed Govt, Military, Faith Based, and Civilian General Public
- Region:
- United States of America
Would you like to see your son, daughter, niece, nephew or teenage neighbor become hard-working, respectful, disciplined, honorable and prepared for life? Would you like to see crime, teenage pregnancy and substance abuse rates decline? Yes! How you ask! Mandatory Military Service.
- In order to maintain the security and freedom that is enjoyed by our nation, we need a strong and quick reaction Military Force.
- Mandatory military service is one of the oldest forms of national security service and is common to both democratic and non-democratic countries. When millions of young men around the world reach the age of majority, they kiss their families goodbye and go off to join the military. This is not because they dreamed of becoming soldier or war hero while they were growing up. It is not because they understand the benefits that military training/service gives them. “They join because the law says they must.”
- What are the benefits? Mandatory military service benefits the military, the country and nation security. The military benefits because its forces increase dramatically.
- The United States benefits because national spirit increases, national unity improves, neighborhoods become safer, and society grows healthier. Troubled teens who normally head to street corners enter the military and receive the training, discipline and experience that propel them to a stable and secure life. They unite with people of all sexes, races and religions to work toward a common good. This allows neighborhoods to become safer and society to become stronger. The workforce gets better workers, families get better mothers and fathers, and the country gets a more unified citizenship.
- They also benefit from the military service because they learn practical life skills such as first aid, wilderness survival, computer proficiency and self-defense. They become physically fit, mentally strong and knowledgeable in multiple areas. They learn how to work hard, discipline themselves, follow orders, think on their feet and lead their peers. Most importantly they come away from the military with the skills that benefit society, the workplace and the family. With a college degree, the men and women who served their two years with honors will be sought after by the public and private sectors.
- The United States disbanded its only mandatory military service when it dismantled the military draft program in 1973(Conscription in the United States."
In today’s world a mandatory military is needed not only for our nation security, but it give our young Americans a true understanding of what this country stands for and what it means to serve with honors.
This Petition requests your support of Mandatory Military Service for male citizens and residents between the ages 18 and 28. The military service of their choice and completed within the 10 year window.
They will receive basic military training and education as a member of the armed forces unless otherwise exempt under this Act. Female between such ages are permitted to volunteer for enlistment in the Armed Forces.
We the undersigned call upon all patriotic Americans to support sign and support this petition.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The New Military Strategy for Post 9-11 Mandatory Service petition to Fed Govt, Military, Faith Based, and Civilian General Public was written by S. Miller and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.