- Target:
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council FAO Mrs Joanne Marshall
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- newplanningaccess.eastriding.gov.uk
This proposed new dwelling in Seaton is designed to become a family home for the applicant who wishes to live in close proximity to his family business, L&K Warcup. The applicant has worked for the family business for circa 10 years, but has been living in another East Riding town.
The applicant has grown up in Seaton, before having to move from the village due to the lack of available, affordable and accessible dwellings for young people and families within the Seaton area. The proposed dwelling will provide the applicant with an affordable solution to a local housing shortage within the area, whilst promoting sustainable growth within the rural economy of East Yorkshire.
The aforementioned planning application should be approved for the following reasons further to those mentioned above;
1. The development will result in the provision of new jobs for the local economy during the build process as a result of man hours required for the build. The planning consultant, architect and design teams are local to the East Riding and given their expertise for the applicant. This will also promote a sustainable economy for the village of Seaton.
2. The application accords with policy S1 of the adopted local plan by reflecting a sustainable development due to its design and use of materials. The scheme as presented will also result in no adverse impacts upon the surrounding neighbouring areas by the screening and sympathetic use of a high quality landscaping scheme.
3. The application accords with policy S3 which relates to sustainable development in rural areas. The application meets the basic needs of the village, due to the lack of available and affordable dwellings within Seaton. The application is commensurate in scale, role and character of the proposal setting. The sympathetic choice of materials comprising white render relates to the adjacent property, whilst the red brick element is in keeping with the brick making heritage of the local area. In addition, the development will have its own construction access, which will not cause any issues with construction ftraffic parking on the main highway.
4. The application accords with policy S4 where new dwellings will be supported where they consist of an exceptional quality. Given the design on the building, this policy is satisfied. Meanwhile, the applicant intends to build the property themselves, thus meaning that the dwelling shall be more affordable than houses which have been built by national house builders in Seaton and Sigglesthorne.
5. The application accords with policy S5. The ERYC must deliver 1,100 new homes within a rural setting by 2029. Whilst this dwelling is only one of this number, the proposal illustrates how it complies with the national planning policy guidance for increasing the quantity of high quality housing stock in both the U.K and in the wider rural setting of East Yorkshire.
6. The application accords with policy ENV1, which requires developments to respect the appearance of the area and be in context with its surrroundings. The proposed development with its choice of materials enables compliance with policy ENV1.
7. The application has not received any objection by the surrounding residents to the site.
8. The land is of a poor agricultural quality and has not been cultivated in recent years, nor is there any potential for this to be brought into agricultural use. The development of a house on the site would be the most appropriate use for the site. In addition, the application cannot be deemed to be resulting in the loss of agricultural land.
In summary, the above reasons highlighted demonstrate there is no fundamental planning reason why the proposed dwelling should not be approved by the officers and members at ERYC. The planning application accords with both the NPPF and the recently adopted East Riding Of Yorkshire plan.
I, the undersigned, support this planning application for a new family dwelling.
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The New dwelling Leas Lane Seaton pp: 16/03361/PLF petition to East Riding of Yorkshire Council FAO Mrs Joanne Marshall was written by James Hanna and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.