Saint Charles County Council
United States of America

Lance Corporal Phillip Vinnedge is a St. Charles County hero who gave his life for our country. Phillip wanted to join the military since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and in September of 2009 his dream was fulfilled when he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Phillip did not take his service in the Marines lightly. He readily and knowingly accepted that, as it came to pass, by serving our country he might have to make the ultimate sacrifice. Without hesitation Phillip was willing to do this. Phillip deployed to Afghanistan on September 27, 2010 and 16 days later on October 13, 2010 Phillip gave his life protecting our freedoms and liberties. Phillip was 19 years old.
“Never Forget” is more than a cute catch phrase. Naming of this park in his honor will ensure his sacrifice is Never Forgotten. This park will be located between Pitman Hill Road and Kisker Road in St. Charles County, Missouri. This location is appropriate, as this is the neighborhood where Phillip grew up and is surrounded by the schools he attended (Castilo Elementary, Bryan Middle, and Francis Howell Central High).
Please help to ensure Phillip's sacrifice is not forgotten. Join us in directing the St. Charles County Council to name this new park in Phillip's honor.

We the undersigned patriots hereby request the St. Charles County Council name the new county park to be located between Kisker Road and Pitman Hill Road, “Lance Corporal Phillip Vinnedge Park”.

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The "Never Forget: Some Gave All": Name the new St. Charles County park: “Lance Corporal Phillip Vinnedge Park” petition to Saint Charles County Council was written by Fallen Hero's Dream Ride and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.