N.C. Legislature and State Representatives
United States of America

It is important to maintain our election and constitutional integrity. Texas has recently filed a lawsuit against 4 states (MI, WI, PA, GA) for election fraud, irregularities and breaking constitutional laws. There is an abundance of evidence in all four of these states.
PA: Changed election laws for mail-in ballots without a vote from the people, which breaks their own state constitution.
GA: Had multiple ballots come in after they were done counting, without verifying signatures.
MI: Kicked out republican poll watchers during the ballot count processes.
These are just a few of many examples of corrupt the actions that these states were participating in.

This is about more than the President. This is about maintaining our election integrity and making sure we can trust the process in the future. It is our responsibility as the American people to step up and step in when our constitutional laws are broken.
We the people of North Carolina call on our state legislature and state representatives to join the Texas lawsuit to reveal any corruption in these states and insure a fair and just election process.

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The NC join the Texas Lawsuit petition to N.C. Legislature and State Representatives was written by Tyler Campbell and is in the category Government at GoPetition.