#City & Town Planning
Cara Lambright (City Park CEO)
United States of America

With an abundance of historical plaques & monuments in New Orleans City Park, somehow not one honors the victims of the Mother's Day bus crash on 610 (May 9, 1999); this accident claimed twenty-two lives of many diverse backgrounds & was the worst vehicular accident in Louisiana history.

The bus fell onto New Orleans City Park grounds from the I-610. An impaired driver in poor health, along with the tour bus company & the Louisiana Department of Transportation (the guard rails on the interstate were not built properly to keep the bus on the highway) were all found liable. New Orleans City Park was not liable or responsible for the crash.

Because of this tragedy, federal safety requirements for commercial buses have improved. Seatbelts are now required. Drivers today must undergo a federal medical qualification screening & are subject to random drug & alcohol testing.

We, the undersigned, plead to New Orleans City Park CEO Cara Lambright for her approval in having a monument created in New Orleans City Park for the Mother's Day bus crash on 610 victims. This was the worst vehicular accident in Louisiana history, claiming 22 lives of many diverse backgrounds. The tragedy spurred changes in federal safety requirements for commercials buses. Let us not forget this important chapter in Louisiana history & honor the victims & their familes. Generations must never forget.

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The Mother's Day Bus Crash Memorial petition to Cara Lambright (City Park CEO) was written by Royd Anderson and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.