- Target:
- Parliament of Australian - Senate
- Region:
After investigating the state government data pertaining to kangaroo densities across the Kangaroo Management Zones, it has been found that kangaroos are now 'quasi extinct' across most of NSW, South Australia and Queensland. 'Quasi extinction' refers to population densities of less than five kangaroos per square kilometre and has been defined by the Murray Darling Report as 'the nominal value of kangaroo densities taken to be the effective loss of the species.'
The Murray Darling Report is a document published by the Murray Darling Commission, written by government and independent scientists and titled 'Kangaroo Options in the Murray Darling Basin.' The report says, 'Strategies that produce average densities of less than five kangaroos per square kilometre would result in minimum densities of less than two kangaroos per square kilometre and could be considered a threat to species conservation.'
Further interpretation of state government data from New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia shows kangaroo densities that are now less than two kangaroos per square kilometre across more than 50% of these states. The Murray Darling Report states, 'Critical minimum densities of less than two kangaroos per square kilometre would generally be considered at risk of extinction.'
In regard to the future of the kangaroo industry, the Murray Darling Report said, 'Reduction of kangaroo densities to less than five per square kilometre over large areas would result in the demise of the kangaroo industry.'
Government statistics also show that the average weight of kangaroos killed in South Australia and Queensland is only 21 kilograms i.e. juveniles aged about two years, the males of whom are not even at reproductive age and females, most barely at breeding age. In South Australia 50% of kangaroos killed are females in half the state which by itself puts kangaroos at risk of extinction.
With one third of Australian native mammals having been driven to extinction since the first settlers arrived just over 200 years ago, we cannot afford to imperil the existence of kangaroos who are the world's second most recognised tourist symbol. An $85 billion tourist industry is not worth sacrificing for a $200 million kangaroo industry. Kangaroos are worth far more alive than dead. Blinded by short-term profits, certain industries could be responsible for the extinction of our kangaroos and in fact that is already starting to happen.
It is imperative that we implement a moratorium on commercial and non-commercial killing of kangaroos immediately for the sake of our country, our tourist industry, our economy, our environment, our reputation, and most importantly, our world-famous icon.
For more information go to http://www.stopkangarookilling.org http://www.australiansocietyforkangaroos.com
Nikki Sutterby, Coordinator, Australian Society for Kangaroos, E: australiansocietyforkangaroos@gmail.com
P: 0417354408
Pat OBrien, Coordinator, Wildlife Protection Association Australia, and the Kangaroo Protection Coalition
pat@wildlifeprotectaust.org.au, P: 0408711344
Fiona Corke, Campaign Coordinator, Kangaroo Defenders P: 0410745793
Professor Steve Garlick PhD, FAUCEA
Professor, Regional Engagement, University of the Sunshine Coast (Qld), Vice President, AUCEA, Advisor, IMHE/OECD, Member, St James Ethics Centre,
P: 0428 880 564, E: sgarlick@msn.com.au
Dr Mark Drummond, Mathematics and Statistics Teacher
phone 02 6255 0772, email markld@ozemail.com.au
Maryland Wilson, President, Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc, Kindness House, Suite 18, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065, Coalition for Wildlife Corridors
P: 0417 148 501, E: kangaroo@peninsula.hotkey.net.au
web site: www.awpc.org.au
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Learn more at http://www.kangaroosatrisk.net
To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:
The petition of the undersigned shows we have grave fears for the future existence of kangaroos in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia, and the fact that these state governments have already set commercial kill quotas at 12-20% of the population for the next four years.
According to scientific predictions, this could result in large-scale and irreversible extinctions of Red Kangaroos, Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos, Wallaroos and Euros in the wild within a matter of a few years.
Considering this and other factors weighing against kangaroos' survival such as ongoing drought, climate change, DEVASTATING FIRES AND FLOODS along with ongoing large-scale habitat destruction, your urgent attention to the imminent extinction of our national icon is now needed.
Kangaroos should not be equated with herded production animals. They are free-living wild animals, many with young in pouch or at foot, highly susceptible to stress. As a result, current commercial kangaroo killing practice is commensurate with causing extreme cruelty to adults and infants, the outcome of which is to bring great shame on Australia as a society. It is conservatively estimated that three million joeys have died inhumanely as a result of this cruelty over the last 10 years.
Your petitioners ask that the Senate impose a moratorium on the commercial and non-commercial slaughter of Red Kangaroos, Grey Kangaroos, Wallaroos and Euros IN EVERY STATE OF AUSTRALIA.
We ask that this remain in place until such time as a full independent enquiry is carried out determining the extinction risk to kangaroo populations in light of new information that has come to the public's attention and the results of such inquiry be presented to Parliament.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Moratorium urgently needed: Kangaroos heading for Extinction petition to Parliament of Australian - Senate was written by Anonymous and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.