State of Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood
United States of America

See Radley Balko's articles:


and: http://www.theagitator.com/2008/04/21/a-former-colleague-on-dr-steven-hayne/

Go to www.reason.com and/or www.theagitator.com

Using the site's search engine, type in Steven Hayne and/or Michael West.

Also see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFxcAnBs_30


Serious issues are raised in these articles that warrant further investigation.

I am also urging you to click on this link, copy and paste the letter to President Obama or create your own. Mail a copy at least once a week to the President. Address is on site:


Attorney General Jim Hood,

In order to bring TRUTH AND JUSTICE back to Mississippi, We The People are demanding that the state RE-OPEN the cases involving Hayne and/or West's testimony, immediately implement a full-scale investigation, and place a moratorium on the death penalty.

[quote] "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it." [unquote] George Santayana

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The Mississippi: Re-Open Trial Cases involving testimonies of Drs. Steven Hayne and Michael West petition to State of Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood was written by Judi Manning and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.