- Target:
- Queensland Department of Education and Training
- Region:
- Australia
Teaching kids about mindfulness has been a huge success in Robert W. Coleman Elementary School Baltimore. The school has replaced detention with meditation where kids feel like they are in control, no medication yelling or screaming. It has been said that since taking part in this program two years ago the school hasn't issued a single suspension!
“Studies show that grade-school-aged children who learn mindfulness and meditation are more focused and resilient,” says Sarah McKay, an Oxford University-trained neuroscientist and freelance science writer specializing in mind and brain. “It helps settle them down and improves concentration, particularly if done before school or after lunch breaks.” Taken form an article written in "The Wall Street Journal". Practicing mindfulness improves focus, reduces stress and anxiety, boost academic performance and provides a means to cope in the present moment. We spend time on worrying about the past or the future, however learning how to stop, breathe and make good choices in the present moment comes from practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness teaches us more about ourselves, our emotions, triggers and reactions. When we practice mindfulness we learn how to be aware, observe and to be present without prejudice or judgement benefiting in inner wellness, mental wellness and helping others do the same. Living in congruence means what we think, speak and act are all with the same intention coming from a place of who we truly are not what we have been led to believe by others. Kids need to learn ways to cope better and feel good about themselves this can be shown through teaching mindfulness, meditation and life skills.
We, the undersigned, call to the Queensland Department of Education and Training, allow the schools of Queensland the right to teach our kids about mindfulness and its benefits.
Our kids today are faced with a level of technology that is taking over their lives, mobile phones, computers, social media and the hype is phenomenal. Not to mention the pressures of not being good enough, cool enough or accepted by others is at an all time high. So many depressed, anxious kids on medication, being labeled and told they have a condition.
Kids need to feel good about themselves and feel they have control of themselves, and their actions. The brain can be re trained to understand new beliefs, find new solutions and reactions with new emotions. Without learning how to be present the brain doesn't switch off, rest of recover, restricting learning, focusing, making good decisions being rational and calm. We are constantly in a state of rush, panic, clutter, stress over thinking and this creates ill feelings and emotions resulting in bad behaviour, poor choices. If we do not find a balance we only suffer with physical illness, accidents, mental illness, and more damaging beliefs about who we are.
Practicing mindfulness improves focus, reduces stress and anxiety, boost academic performance and provides a means to cope in the present moment.
I am a Mindfulness Coach/Personal Mentor and it is my passion to bring mindfulness into our schools where kids learn who they are, how to feel, be calm, in control and learn to love who they are without prejudice or judgment. I am asking for your signature in support of this petition to show the school Principals and the Government that there are many of us parents that want the same for our youth.
We all know life is not just what we learn but what we believe.
Thank you for your time and signature I believe teaching our kids mindfulness is a positive move forward.
The Mindfulness/Tai Chi & Life Skills in our Schools petition to Queensland Department of Education and Training was written by Love Your Life Sunshine Coast and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.