- Target:
- j-rod (jerad arias)
- Region:
- United States of America
One of the captains of team Merciless, j-rod (jerad arias) has a history of being an elitist, displaying hard-nosed tactics to achieve his desires, constantly issuing double standards, and being totally unqualified for the position he occupies on team merciless (co-captain and 'coach').
These personality traits have been evident to numerous members of the paintball community since 2003, most recently to members of team Merciless (undersigned). We, as members of team Merciless, care about the direction of the team and we feel that if j-rod is allowed to run practice and carry on as co-captain and 'coach', the team will be going in the wrong direction, not to mention destroy team morale.
We, the undersigned as members of team Merciless, urge the captains o fteam Merciless to not only acknowledge our grievances against j-rod (jerad arias), but also take necessary actions to assure that team morale remains high, and practices are run smoothly and efficiently by someone who is qualified to do so.
We are not asking to kick j-rod off the team, but we as a team realize that there are other members on team Merciless who not only are more qualified to fulfill the responsibilities that j-rod cannot, and can do so with a positive attitude towards ALL team members.
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