NS Premier Steven McNeil- Health Minister Randy Delorey/ NSHA Mental Health/ Addictions

Cape Breton Island is in need of a Mental Health/ Addictions facility as services provided are not adequate to treat the growing concerns of our citizens who are accessing treatment, recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into our communities. We are requesting that our government realize the importance and immediate resolution that is required.
Facts: Long waiting hours to be seen by Crisis Intervention
In excess of 350 days to be seen on referrals to Mental Health
70% increase in suicide rates since 2015
650,000 needles provided in the needle exchange program for 2015-16
High rates of Hep C
Lack of resources available for Addict Recovery and Rehabilitation
Harm Reduction Program ( more receptacles needed for used needles)

We, the citizens of Cape Breton, call on the Premier of Nova Scotia/ Steven McNeil, Health Minister Randy Delorey and the NSHA Mental Health/ Addictions to understand that our residents are requesting your immediate attention to the issues of mental health and addiction services that are evidently lacking in our area. Let this petition be a representation that we care about the health and welfare of our citizens and we expect to have this situation addressed immediately.

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The Mental Health/ Addiction Treatment Facility for Cape Breton petition to NS Premier Steven McNeil- Health Minister Randy Delorey/ NSHA Mental Health/ Addictions was written by A Town That Cares and is in the category Health at GoPetition.